Yakima Co. Commission Candidate Autumn Torres
Yakima County Commissioner District #3 cuts through the City of Yakima up north to the Training Center and follows the Yakima River down to Grandview encompassing all County land on the eastern side of the river. From Yakima's downtown to dairies down the road, it's a big district that has seen its share of political instability of late.
With incumbent County Commissioner Rand Elliot retiring, 2018 saw Grandview Mayor Norm Childress win election to the District #3 seat. Childress died of cancer in September of 2020 and after an application-for-appointment process, the commissioners chose LaDon Linde to serve as Childress's replacement. The election this fall is for the final year of District #3's current 4-year term. The winner in November will have to run again next year.
There are two candidates running for the office so this Primary Election will serve as a warm-up for the real thing in November. Both candidates point to problems with the County's response to the Coronavirus as motivation to seek the office.
Our first interview introduces you to challenger Autumn Torres.
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