Russian River Irrigation Restrictions and Farm Bill Survey
**Farmers and ranchers in California’s Russian River watershed are likely to see continued restrictions on irrigation supplies this year.
State water officials are seeking to extend a 2021 curtailment order for Russian River water diversions.
The state plans to revise its emergency drought regulations next month.
Farm Bureaus in Mendocino and Sonoma counties are proposing an alternative plan that would incorporate a volunteer, locally driven water conservation program.
**As the House Ag Committee plans for the next farm bill, consumers shared their opinions on food and agriculture policy in a new survey from Purdue University.
One of the most popular policy choices was increased funding for research to create crops more resistant to heat, drought, and flooding.
Another popular choice is paying farmers and ranchers to adopt climate-smart practices.
Food safety and inspection ranked as the most important USDA budget category.
**The USDA’s Equity Action Plan is out that outlines actions the agency will take to advance equity and improve access to programs and services for underserved stakeholders and communities.
The USDA says past programs and services were designed to benefit those with land, experience, money, or education while leaving behind those without the same means and resources.
Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack says “today’s USDA is committed to rooting out systemic racism and advancing justice, equity, and opportunity for all.”
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