Lunar Landing Flick Leaves Out The Flag
Hollywood has taken to revising history from time to time and this is one of those times. The movie isn't even out yet and a lot of Americans are offended by the decision not to include one of the most iconic images of the moon landing.
An article in the Patriot Post has the Canadian actor playing Armstrong, Ryan Gosling, saying the movie eliminated the flag because America’s feat “transcended countries and borders” and that it wasn’t so much an American accomplishment as a “human achievement.”
Nice try. The achievement was indeed an American triumph and there is no shame in recognizing and celebrating the unprecedented accomplishment!
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” - those were the words spoken by Armstrong as he historically stepped down on to the lunar surface and in that one moment, anyone anywhere who had ever looked up at the yellow light in the night sky and dared to to dream cheered as a universal dream came true — but with feet firmly planted on lunar dust, the next step for the "FirstMan" was to plant the American flag - not to claim the world's moon for America but to proclaim to the world that American capability put us there - first.
From my perspective - there ain't nuthin' wrong with that!
It's true that Pride Goeth Before A Fall, but it's also true that confidence and accomplishment flows from an accurate assessment of self. America did it, Americans did it, Neil Armstrong did it. So where's the flag?
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