Barking At The Wind – Congress “Acts”, Demanding Answers – Criticizes To No Effect
Trump was the worst! The worst ever! Remember that?
Um, maybe we could get a recount???
In a press release from our Congressman, 4th District Representative Dan Newhouse (R) accuses President Joe Biden of being solely responsible for the debacle at the evacuation of Afghanistan.
Representative Newhouse was one of twenty Republicans who voted with the unanimous Democrat caucus to impeach President Trump for the January 6th break-in at the Nation's Capitol. The fallout from that, if any, will be sorted out next November. For now, Newhouse joined 143 Republican colleagues in cosponsoring "H. Res. 607, a resolution condemning President Biden for deficient planning and failed execution of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and calling on him to conduct a multi-agency accounting of resources left behind and report to Congress on intelligence gaps as well as committing to maintaining the evacuation operation for as long as necessary."
The Heading of the resolution reads: 117TH CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. RES. 607 Condemns President Biden’s failure to heed the advice of military and intelligence advisors about the speed and nature of the Taliban offensive, leading to a disorganized, chaotic, and abrupt evacuation of United States personnel and Afghan allies.