Ah, the ups and downs of medical science.

First eggs used to be good for us, then medicine said they were bad, then sorta ok...So where are we now with eggs, cholesterol and heart health?

A large new study (Grade AAA?) involving 177,000 people from 50 countries found that people who eat an egg everyday are no more likely than those who rarely eat eggs to have high cholesterol, heart attacks, strokes or to die prematurely.

Canadian researchers say the contradiction generated by previous egg studies are because most of them were relatively small or moderate in size and did not include individuals from a large number of countries.

Another consideration is just how the eggs are prepared.  Study authors say they didn't really look at that in this study.

The American Heart Association recommends keeping the number of eggs you eat to one a day or two egg whites. But it also advises people to scramble eggs, not fry them.  Now if we just get the green light on bacon....

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