More Testing Changing Numbers in Yakima County
438 people have recovered from COVID-19 in Yakima County but testing continues at a high rate and that's changing numbers every day.
Currently there are at least 1919 up from 1658 on Friday.
62 people have died up from 57 on Friday. 22 people are hospitalized.
The largest age group with the virus? 340 in people ages 20-29-years-old. That's up from 293 on Friday. However no one in that age group has died of COVID-19.
27 people 80-years-old or older have died of the virus in the county up from 25 Friday. That's the largest group. The smallest? 1 person has died between the ages of 30 and 39-years-old.
57 of the 62 people who have died have had underlying health conditions.