A Great Reminder Of What Sacrifice For A Worthy Cause Is All About
One of our regular, long-time, out-of-town, App using listeners sent me an email to read. He sends all kinds of stuff and it's great hearing from him cuz like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
In case you missed it or want a copy of your own, here it is. As far as I can find, the author is unknown. It likely isn't even true but the message is spot on.
We have lost perspective, we have stopped teaching our history and we have perhaps had it too good for so long that we have forgotten what it took to make and keep it good in the first place.
So in the story the man reminds us that we've seen tougher times and we pulled together to do what it took to come through, so - Cowboy Up!
I'm sure most of us on the East side get it, but for those who check in from across the state and around the world this is for you..