YWCA Holding Candlelight Vigil This Month to Honor Victims
This is domestic violence awareness month and the Yakima YWCA is holding a candlelight vigil October 14 at the at Millennium Plaza to honor those who have died as a result of domestic violence and to bring attention to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. A news release says the community is invited to help "break the silence" to realize how domestic violence impacts families and the community. One in four women will be a victim of domestic violence in their lifetime more than breast, ovarian and lung cancer combined. The vigil is set for October 14 at 5:30 at Millennium Plaza.
Yakima Police say women ages 20 to 24 are at the greatest risk of becoming victims of domestic violence. They say it's a crime that's taken very seriously given the volatile situations that can arise out of a domestic fight. To protect officers, every domestic violence call requires two officers to respond. Yakima Police say they work closely with the YWCA. Last year the YWCA helped or served 13,000 survivors of domestic violence.