Yakima Enjoys Solar Eclipse That Darkens The Valley
Thousands of people in Yakima stopped what they were doing to watch the solar eclipse Today. Some businesses were closed, many parks and campgrounds were crowded as people experienced the rare phenomenon. Many kids, like 13-year-old Drew Lyons were viewing the eclipse for the first time in their lives. "I think this is more exciting than anything I've ever seen in the sky so this is definitely something I'll remember."
Many people not only were able to witness the event but others were busy viewing websites and taking pictures with smartphones. Serious eclipse chasers are now planning for the succeeding total solar eclipses in South America on July 2, 2019, again in South America on December 14, 2020, and in Antarctica on December 4, 2021. For those hardcore eclipse chasers, there's your vacation guide for a lifetime.