We found the list of what Americans fear the most and even though Terror On The Ave isn’t in the Top Five it SHOULD be!  It’s is one scary haunt!  We dare you to check it out tonight or tomorrow from 7 to 11 at the old Schultz Furniture building at 411 West Yakima Ave.So what ALLEGEDLY out-scares Terror on the Ave?  Let’s start with walking alone to get there!  A new survey of 1,500 Americans found the number one thing that scares us: walking alone at night.

The fears rounding out the top five are: becoming a victim of identity theft, lack of safety on the Internet, being the victim of a mass/random shooting, and public speaking.  Researchers say people tend to fear what they realistically might face in their everyday life. These situations are very immediate to people, and they tend to scare them the most.


The survey was conducted before the Ebola hysteria started, so if asked today participants may have changed their answers. Researchers note this is normal behavior and that we seem to go through cyclical waves where suddenly there is something that terrifies everyone; then it will fade out and a new fear will arise.  (Yahoo)




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