Two Full Moons In One Month? That’s Really Dark, Man!
April showers bring May flowers...but not this April Shower. This one is set to bring the oohs and ahhs from watchers of the night sky...because this shower is the first meteor shower since January.

Lots To See In The Night Sky
April: Pink Moon - Northern Native Americans call April's full moon the pink moon after a species of early blooming wildflower. In other cultures, this moon is called the sprouting grass moon, the egg moon, and the fish moon.
May: Flower Moon June: Strawberry Moon July: Buck Moon August: Sturgeon Moon September: Harvest Moon October: Hunter's Moon November: Beaver Moon .December: Cold Moon
Pink Moon Coming Soon
So this year the Full Pink Moon will rise on Saturday, April 16th, though it won’t actually appear pink—that’s just a nickname that derives from the wild ground phlox, a pink flower that typically blooms in April.
Then on April 30th, the second new moon of the calendar month will be happening, which is known as a black moon. The last time a black moon occurred was in July 2019, and it won’t happen again until December 2024.
April Shower - Sorta
Lyrid meteor showerREAD ON: Weird, wild UFO sightings from throughout history
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