The FISA MEMO Is Out, Which Side Lied?
The MEMO is out and so far the Republic still stands. On Thursday I set up the showdown of what happens when the House intelligence committee releases the FISA memo. It would be --Hype on the left or Hype on the right -or- Swamp Business by both sides as usual. I admit to being a conservative so my eye is biased. That being said, there was nothing released that would cause the foundations of the country to crumble. The progression of protests from the left was humpf, just misleading talking points, to wait - this shouldn't be released, to hey this will severely damage the country and the reputations of the intelligence communities, to the FBI taking the unprecedented step of begging for the memo not to be released, to finally humpf, a nothing burger here but cherry picked morsels - while others call it an attack on the rule of law!! Here we go again with the Humpf and hype at the same time! C'mon Democrats, at least you all should use the same talking points. Based on that alone I call foul by the Democrats. They were bluffing their hand. So ask yourself WHY?
Granted, there is more detailed information out there that would help fill in some info gaps but on the surface it appears that the FBI and the Dept of Justice used what they knew to be the phony Trump Dossier produced for political purposes as the rational to get a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on people with ties to the Trump campaign. It also appears that none of that was made known to the judge who granted the request. It appears the FBI/DOJ misrepresented the background on the need for the warrant which was then used to conduct the spying that lead to the "Russian collusion" investigation.
If I pull evidence out of you car's trunk without a warrant and try to use that evidence to prosecute you, a judge will throw out the case, even if the evidence is incriminating because our laws don't allow for foul play by law enforcement. If a misrepresented case for a warrant got the judge to grant the warrant that then lead to the Russian collusion investigation, that investigation also represents foul play by law enforcement and that should be tossed out too.
It appears that the FBI and the Dept of Justice used what they knew to be the phony Trump Dossier produced for political purposes as the rational to get a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on people with ties to the Trump campaign. The dossier was leaked to the press who reported it as real even though the leaks came from dossier author Christopher Steele himself! And then, crazy of crazies, that reporting- triggered by Steele himself, was used to help make a case to the judge that the dossier was the real thing! Simply incredible.
SO where are we right now. In one world, the false presentation to the judge in order to get the FISA warrant should shut everything down. If Mueller was of the character the Democrats say he is, he should say, "i shouldn't even be here, my job was created under false pretense, and in my time we have found no evidence of Russian collusion therefore this investigation is over." In another world that would be the honorable thing to do. But Mueller won't do that because he lives in this world and he comes from that same FBI that produced people like McCabe, Rosenstein, Strzok, Ohr, Yates, Comey and the other names you've heard in the news. The former FBI chief Mueller is expected to keep looking for obstruction of justice by the Trump camp and Trump himself. It turns out if there was any obstruction of any kind, it was in the presentation of misleading info to the FISA judge in the first place.
There will be more finger pointing on both sides and accusations of "cherry picking" and misleading or incomplete, but the Republicans should get some traction on the memo that could lead to more special investigations and hopefully the truth. Will more people be fired or charged? Who knows but they should be. Will the national press back off and start reporting facts and truth? I doubt it, but they should. Will this dominate the news for weeks to come? It should and it will. There is a lot more to come.