What Landed In A Swimming Pool in Delta, British Columbia?What Landed In A Swimming Pool in Delta, British Columbia?A Canadian man witnessed a "black lightning bolt" and a huge splash! Timmy!Timmy!
People in WA Donate a Shocking Thing to Salvation ArmyPeople in WA Donate a Shocking Thing to Salvation ArmyThis one donation people are making to the Salvation Army is 'plane' shocking!Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Trick or Treat? As Long As The Goblins Are MaskedTrick or Treat? As Long As The Goblins Are MaskedThey say people need to evaluate risk tolerance given the current community numbers as of October 21.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Are you Safe from Eviction? Governor Inslee Extends Eviction BridgeAre you Safe from Eviction? Governor Inslee Extends Eviction BridgeIf you can't pay rent you now have until October to get relief before landlords can evictRyderRyder
Doctors Say Get The Shot as Cases Rise in YakimaDoctors Say Get The Shot as Cases Rise in Yakima Last week the number was number was 622 cases per 100,000 today the number is 736 cases per 100,000.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
It’s back! Mask Mandate Starts MondayIt’s back! Mask Mandate Starts MondayAlong with the indoor mask mandate comes warnings about rising COVID-19 Delta variant cases in Yakima and throughout the region.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Don’t Want to Get Sick? Health Officials say Get The Shot!Don’t Want to Get Sick? Health Officials say Get The Shot!24 people are now in the hospital in Yakima because of COVID-19, however none are on ventilators.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Why Are Airlines All of a Sudden Thinking About Weighing People?Why Are Airlines All of a Sudden Thinking About Weighing People?The airlines are saying that we all got fat during COVID.Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio