Reminiscing – The Important Music That Defines Us Today
The Year was 1978 and the Little River Band released the song "Reminiscing".
You may recall (pun intended) "Reminiscing" was the Australian band's biggest hit in the USA reaching #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. That's 42 years ago, so if you are at least 52, this may be one of the songs you reminisce about .
If you feel the music you listened in your younger years is important to who you are today—you’re right. University researchers found that the music we listened to between the ages of 10 and 30 defines us for the rest of our lives. Specifically, researchers found that people imagining themselves in isolation not only prefer music reminding them of a time when they were between the ages of 10 to 30, but also are most-likely to choose music that reminds them of an important person.
That's why older classic music is having such a resurgence in popularity during this time of Coronavirus and actual isolation--remembering better times.
They use their music choices to create feelings that an important person is with them, or to remind them of an important turning point in their life—both of these things are powerful ways to strengthen one’s sense of self.
People frequently chose songs because they were related to important memories that occurred during teenage years, music that relates to memories from this very important developmental period of our life.
Think of the songs that mean the most to you and enjoy the reminiscing...then, thin of the lousy music that's come out decades later and realize those songs will be the life defining reminiscing music of the younger generations!
AH...the good old days of Rock and Roll!!
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