NFU Talks Ag Slump and Mexican Grain Imports
**Every time the National Farmers Union board meets, the state presidents each get a few minutes to report on the top issues in their area and NFU president Roger Johnson says much of the discussion is focused on the agricultural slump.
According to Successful Farming, market prices are down steeply from their peaks during the commodity boom that ended in 2013.
USDA says net farm income will stabilize this year after a long tumble.
**For all the talk of Mexico ditching U.S. corn, soybeans and rice, there’s yet been any major shift despite the faltering efforts to renegotiate NAFTA.
According to Agri-Pulse, it’s become increasingly clear that Mexican importers are looking to South America and elsewhere for supply options if efforts to rewrite NAFTA fail.
If NAFTA renegotiations falter and the U.S. withdraws from the 23-year-old trade pact, pre-NAFTA tariffs are expected to snap back in place and push up the cost of buying U.S. farm commodities, making countries like Brazil and Argentina much more attractive to Mexican importers.
**The head of an advisory firm specializing in the organic, non-GMO and specialty crop supply chain says more can be done to limit organic fraud.
Agromeris president Peter Golbitz describes domestic certification as thorough and effective, but says fraudulent labeling continues to be a problem with organic imports.
He tells Brownfield U.S. food companies that import organic products need to have a firmer grasp on the production capabilities of countries they purchase from.
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