The USDA has issued the latest Monthly World Ag Supply and Demand report. This month’s corn outlook is for fractionally higher supplies and ending stocks.
U.S. and European Union trade leaders signed the U.S.-EU Tariff Rate Quota Agreement. The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture announced its primary policy focus for 2023.
Farmers in the Midwest and Plains are reaping a cash bonanza that’s dramatically improved their finances a year after the pandemic pummeled commodity markets.
Syngenta Seeds with the University of Arkansas publishing a new research on the potential for beef producers reducing their environmental footprint by using Syngenta Enogen corn.
Plantings of most California-grown grain and field crops will be lower this year. A government report issued last Tuesday estimates reduced acreage for nine of the 13 crops listed.
A World Trade Organization dispute settlement panel found China has administered its tariff-rate quotas for wheat, corn, and rice inconsistently with its WTO commitments.
Stockholders of Bayer have been concerned about their investment in the company that bought Monsanto for $66 Billion and has to pay a huge settlement of Roundup.
The new farm bill that is being worked on could have the same outcome for stricter work requirements for food stamp recipients and payment rules for farmers.