Need Healthy Snacks To Prevent Heart Disease? Ask A Squirrel!
My personal workout journey at Achieve Health and Fitness is going great and if your interested in achieving some progress of your own, we invite you to tune in to the Morning News tomorrow at 8:15 when we talk to owner Rob Brown about the the changes currently underway at Achieve. Nutritionist are part of the Achieve team and they have lots of great information to help you get your eating right and healthy eating includes healthy snacking.
At the top of the list for healthy snacking is squirrel foods -nuts and seeds. An impressive study out of Finland tracked the health over 2,500 men for 22 years.
The subjects - ages 42 to 60 at the beginning of the study - revealed some encouraging results about linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is found in omega-6-rich foods like pine nuts, pumpkin seeds and vegetable oil and researchers found those who had a higher intake of it were 43 percent less likely to die early of preventable disease.
Study leaders say the higher your intake of linoleic acid the lower the incidence of cardiovascular disease mortality ...so follow a squirrel to its stash and get munching. (Daily Mail)
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