Monsanto Looking at BASF; House Approves Bill For Delisting of Gray Wolves
Monsanto’s reported pivot towards BASF has the business community a buzz . Bloomberg columnist Brooke Sutherland wrote that it could be “a ploy to get more money out of Bayer.” It remains to be seen if this is rumor or reality.
The House approved the 2017 Department of Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. This legislation provides annual funding for the Department of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the U.S. Forest Service, the Indian Health Service, and various independent and related agencies. The measure reduces overall funding in the bill by $64 million below last year’s level and $1 billion below the President’s request. Additionally, this legislation prohibits funding for implementation of the Waters of the United States Rule, cuts the Endangered Species Act listing budget by 23 % and funds critical wildfire mitigation, suppression, and response activities to address the threat posed by catastrophic wildfires.
For Ranchers it includes amendments for Wolf Livestock Loss Demonstration program while promoting the federal delisting of the grey wolf.