Hey Governor Inslee – What’s Next For Covid Phases 3 & 4?
Yakima County (and the South Central Region) was recently declared open to phase 2 of the State's Coronavirus Healthy Washington Plan and while that was applauded and is appreciated it is also not enough.
Most businesses can't survive for long on just 25% occupancy. So what's next? What are the operational guidelines to get to phases 3 and 4? See for yourself HERE
And if you looked, you found there is no current plan! So how is a business supposed to plan and work to get fully open? Good question. Here's what the State website says:
"What's open? Beginning Monday, Jan. 11, all counties/regions in Washington are subject to the public health measures outlined in the governor’s regional-based Healthy Washington plan (PDF). Detailed guidance and information is available on the governor's website. Find your county's phase here.
If you think a business isn't operating in compliance with the Safe Start plan, you can anonymously report a violation."
So while there are no further plans posted for progressing towards a full reopening, there IS a reminder of how you can rat out any possible violation of the State's Safe Start Plan. Nice.
The CEO of the Greater Yakima Chamber of Commerce, Verlynn Best and downtown Yakima business owner Joe Mann appeared on KIT's Morning News program to talk about the economic impact of the pandemic on Yakima.
Both encourage us all to provide as much support of local small business as possible and both agree that it's time for the Governor to include the legislature, the elected representatives of the people of Eastern Washington in formulating plans for the state's future.
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