Another Round Of “Battle Of The Sexes” Ends In A Draw
Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your neutral corners for this pronouncement.
After countless battles and some battle royales, science has determined that Men are not better at reading maps than are Women! Yup. Men and women have EQUAL spatial cognition skills.
Huh? What? Are you saying there is no male advantage when it comes to spatial cognition abilities, or the ability to navigate one's environment? That's exactly what researchers are saying.
EurekAlert reports on tests using eye-tracking technology show that males and females used different gaze strategies during the tests in order to arrive at the correct answer.
In other words, men and women approached the same task in different ways and both ended up with the same answer-- the right one.
Whew! And just like that we are drawn closer together as men and women and partners--in travel (maps) and in life! I guess it's the little things?
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