The 4th of July, summertime in Yakima, and a cold glass of lemonade.  Sound pretty good, doesn't it?

Ever wonder where the NEXT generation of lemon squeezers is coming from?

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Plan Now For Lemonade Day For Your Child

About a month back we told you about the Greater Chamber of Yakima's Lemonade Day event and it's time for a reminder.

We're talking about Yakima's Lemonade Day Youth Entrepreneurship Program. coming up August 13th.  It's part of a global national youth entrepreneurship program that teaches leadership and business skills by encouraging children to launch a lemonade business in their community.

Worldwide Success

Youth entrepreneurship is gaining momentum around the world. Studies have proven that introducing kids to entrepreneurial experiences at an early age makes a measurable impact on their future decisions related to education, training, life, and work.

Since 2007, more than 1 million kids have learned about business ownership by participating in the program and now, even more, Yakima Valley kids can be involved with the announcement that Lemonade Day Youth Entrepreneurship Program is expanding to kids in Yakima County.

The impact of a program like Lemonade Day is four-fold:

1) teach financial literacy to kids, which is currently absent in school curriculum

2) promote entrepreneurship, which is key to jumpstart economic growth

3) teach kids to be responsible and self-reliant, and to contribute to their community

4) foster mentorship and bring families together.

Here's how it works

The lessons of Lemonade Day include setting a goal, making a plan, working the plan, and achieving their dreams. Once youth pays their investor back, they keep all the money they earn and are encouraged to spend some, save some, and share some of their profit.

Remember to register your youth for Lemonade Day FREE Program, where children can learn about leadership and business skills. We are looking for volunteers and mentors to help with community outreach and participation during the festival.

Here's the lowdown from the lovely ladies of the Chamber as heard on the radio.


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