While I was going through more of my treasure chest files in my email and the hot topic of things happening on the internet. I ran across this about "cyberbullies". I hope this is useful to you.

Internet bullying doesn’t just happen to kids. Some grown-up “mean girls” become Mom-on-Mom cyberbullies! According to ABC News, unsuspecting moms looking online for friendship and parenting advice often get slapped with harsh words, criticism and insults instead. Psychiatrist and mommy blogger Janet Taylor says that some moms think they have to prove they’re better than everybody else by criticizing others, and with the anonymity of the Internet, they feel free to make comments they’d never say face-to-face.

For example, a mom who asked questions about baby bottles was called “uneducated” for not breastfeeding. Another mother was labeled “selfish” because she worked. One mom who said she approved of “co-sleeping” – that’s sharing a bed with your baby - was called “irresponsible.” It gets worse. One mother Tweeted a request for prayers an hour after her two-year-old was found lifeless in her swimming pool. Within minutes, her Twitter feed was flooded with angry responses, many blaming her “addiction to Tweeting” for her son’s death. When a mother blogged after her daughter was caught sexting, dozens of mothers called her daughter a slut, and said she was a horrible mother, who didn’t teach her daughter morals. So, how can you protect yourself online? Here’s advice from Internet safety expert Parry Aftab:

To prevent attacks – re-read what you’re posting before you click send. Is it confusing, disrespectful, rude, mean, missing an important word? The nature of the internet is that anybody can say anything they want about what you post. So if you’re offended by the comments strangers make, you may not want to blog.

Also: use “comment moderation settings” on your profile or blog. That way, nothing can be posted to your blog that you don’t approve.

If you’re attacked online – don’t reply. Just block the person or the message, because letting on that you’re upset only feeds the bullying.

If you receive physical threats, report it to the police.

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