Yakima’s Biggest Yard Sale is May 9, But What Other ‘Yakima’s Biggests’ Can We Think Of?
Here at "The BIG Show" on KATS, we are getting geared up for Yakima's BIGGEST Yard Sale on May 9 at J.M. Perry Tech.
With that, we wondered: What are some of Yakima's other "biggest" things?
Building: A.E. Larsen Building in downtown Yakima is 11 stories tall and 188 feet high to the tip of its flagpole
City: In Yakima County, outside of Yakima itself with 82,659 residents, obviously, is the city of Sunnyside. A 2010 estimate had them at roughly 15,298.
Snowstorm: The 24-hour snowfall record, officially recorded at the Yakima Air Terminal, was 13.6 inches in 1963.
Box of apples: The largest "box" of apples was 'packed in Yakima for shipment to the Detroit auction on a bid of $1,001. The stunt was part of Yakima's Apple Week. A train box car held about 75,600 apples.
Channel Catfish: Ross Kincaid holds the Washington state record for the largest Channel Catfish ever caught, weighing in at 36.2 pounds. Kincaid landed the fish at I-82 Pond No. 6 in September of 1999.
Yard Sale: Saturday, May 9 from 8-2 in the parking lot at Perry Tech, 2011 W. Washington -- across from the airport on Nob Hill Boulevard. More than 90 individual yard sales in one convenient location!