When Can We Ditch The Face Masks?
Arpana Verma,a professor of public health and epidemiology at the University of Manchester says, “I would hope we return to a time when circulating coronavirus levels are wiped out. But, like with some cultures where they have repeated coronavirus outbreaks, mask-wearing for some is the norm.”
The "new norm". Do you hate hearing that as much as I do? What can we as individuals do to prevent that from being our future? I might depend on our age?
Consultant virologist Dr. Julian Tang see the future like this -“like with the 2009 pandemic flu virus, I think SARS-CoV-2 will gradually become more human-adapted. (which means) more transmissible, less lethal, which will slowly increase our overall herd immunity. This may reduce the need for masks, except in specific elderly/vulnerable groups.”
A lot of us in the KIT audience fall into the "older" age bracket. To me, the word "elderly" sounds older and frail, but the actual definition is generally thought to be "over 65". ( Really? I thought 65 was the new 45? )
Tang adds that the herd immunity process could take five to ten years, but that governments may decide to implement a “masks on, masks off” approach, by reacting to local virus levels.
So the short answer and one we don't want to hear is: you won’t be able to ditch your mask anytime soon.
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