Want To Fight High Blood Pressure At Work? Sleep On It!
A lot of people work in high stress jobs that can often send their blood pressure to the stratosphere and high blood pressure is more than just bad, it's potentially lethal.
Naturally science and medical professional are going to leave no stone unturned in search of relief. Now if management will just agree to this one....
Here's one conclusion -- Don't feel bad about napping during the day-- it's good for you.
As reported in the Daily Mail, Greek doctors tracked people with slightly elevated blood pressure, and found if they took an hour-long nap each day it lowered there blood pressure by about the same drop you'd experience if you cut salt from your diet.
Researchers say The finding is important, because a drop in blood pressure as small as two mm/HG can reduce the risk of heart attack by as much as ten percent. Better yet-- napping is free.
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