Virtual Fencing and AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act Analysis
**Need new fencing? Leisel Finley, a sixth-generation California rancher, learned about a pilot program for virtual fencing that uses GPS enabled collars to monitor each animal's location.
Livestock producers can draw a perimeter on a map of their pasture using a laptop or smartphone and send those instructions to the collar.
The collar then uses audio and tactile cues to contain the animal in the area.
**The Congressional Budget Office released a second cost analysis for the revised AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act.
While both the Senate and House versions of the bill remain pending, bipartisan support is growing.
The National Association of Broadcasters, NAFB, state broadcast associations, legislators, and tens of thousands of listeners are calling on Congress to act swiftly by emphasizing AM radio as a free and reliable platform for emergency communications.
**A new report says banks could be more hesitant to lend to the farm sector just as the agricultural industry is expected to enter a major credit crunch.
Rabobank says that could disproportionately hurt smaller producers.
After two years of near-record profits, a significant drop in crop prices is pushing more producers to take out loans.
The report says although the ag sector’s financial affairs are projected to finish the year stable, the trajectory is downward.