This Isn’t Winning
The repeal and replace of Obamacare came to a screeching halt last Friday. It's not over and the need for it will only continue to unfold but the failure to launch on Friday has raised a lot of questions including "Who Lost". KIT's consultant, businessman, blogger buddy Tim Bryce answers that from his perspective in his Tuesday column.
Here's a taste- " The Republican Congressional leadership received a black eye for not being able to control their own caucus and secure the passage of the act. Regardless of whether you were pro or con regarding the bill, this was the GOP's one and only chance to repeal and replace Obamacare, and frankly they botched it. This hurt them politically in terms of demonstrating they cannot work together toward some successful end, and it does not bode well for future legislation."
There are a lot of lessons to be learned from this short-lived adventure. Let's hope the House and the Whitehouse will use them to shape a better bill when the time is right.
See Tim's writings at timbryce.com
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