The High Price Of The Last Week In Olympia
The Washington State Legislature wrapped up its work over the weekend and it's time to add up the damages. Chris Cargill is the Eastern Washington Director of the Washington Policy Center and part of his job at the statewide thinktank is to track what's happening with the state legislature.
He says the session will go down as a doozy! Starting with an unprecedent budget of enormous proportions, to a full on raid of the state's rainy day fund,(doesn't it ALWAYS rain over there?) the call for cash came through load and clear.
Cargill points out one of the persistent problems that comes from "one party rule" government is that the party in control can delay action on various bills until the final hours and then vote to pass it on without any of the opposition and perhaps many of their own members having read the legislation. Cargill says he doubts if any member has fully read the 11-hundred page proposition.
The controversial capital gains tax has also passed which means, despite the public voting down any attempts to implement an income tax 10 times, and at a time when revenues are at record levels, state democrats voted to pass an income tax on certain capital gains. In addition to being unconstitutional, it is arrogant and defiant of the will of the majority of people in Washington. In addition gas taxes are going up too.
Cargill adds that the legislature dropped the hammer again on charter schools and killing school choice. And nothing says "Progressives Are In Charge" like the passage of a requirement for all state employees must take Critical Race Theory training.
We may go broke but at least we'll be woke. Sheesh! Here's Chris...
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