China’s major pork producers sharply cut 2018 profit estimates, after African swine fever devastated prices and demand for pork in the world’s largest hog producer.
With the new Monsanto acquisition, Bayer has reduced its expected earnings. USDA was working to make the department the entry point for H-2A applications.
U.S. farmers claims Brazil using government programs to push Brazilian rice into the U.S. and other countries where the U.S. fights to keep market shares.
WTO rules in favor of the U.S. in import restrictions case. Benefit of U.S. grain export exceeds 55-Billion-dollars a year. India has big potential for ethanol.
EPA and the National Bio-diesel Board disagree on the possible output of gallons of bio-diesel fuel. Research studies cow genetics for better productive and profits and WTO reopen complaints about wine retailing in British Columbia
**A former member of President Trump’s trade transition team says the U.S. may need to “walk away” from the World Trade Organization if China doesn’t start playing by the rules.
In a recent interview with CNBC, Dan DiMicco, former CEO of Nucor Steel, said China has not lived up to the promises it made when joining the WTO and no one is holding them accountable...
The Senate Agriculture Committee will markup Chairman Pat Roberts GMO labeling bill Thursday. Roberts released a draft of the bill last week that drew applause from many agriculture groups. However, it’s unclear if Democrats will be able to ignore pressure from pro-labeling groups unhappy with the measure...
Following its passage, Canadian officials praised the U.S. spending bill that included a repeal of mandatory meat country-of-origin labeling. The repeal averted a potential trade war as the bill avoids $1 billion worth of retaliatory tariffs Canada and Mexico were authorized to impose on the United States...