
Trump Calls Ruling a ‘Political Decision’
Trump Calls Ruling a ‘Political Decision’
Trump Calls Ruling a ‘Political Decision’
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — President Donald Trump says a federal appeals court ruling against reinstating his refugee and immigration order is a "political decision." He says the "security of our country is at stake" and he looks forward to "seeing them in court...
Privacy Settings You Need to Set for iOS7 Before Doing Anything Else
Privacy Settings You Need to Set for iOS7 Before Doing Anything Else
Privacy Settings You Need to Set for iOS7 Before Doing Anything Else
Apple came out with the new iOS7 which gives your iPhone a new, sleek design on the outside and plenty of upgrades on the inside that you're still finding out about. In updating to iOS7 it reset many of your security preferences. Although you should go through and make sure that things are set for you and your lifestyle, here are a few you should pay special attention to.

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