Selfie or Shark Attack: Which Is More Dangerous?
This may be a skewed question, but which is more dangerous -- taking a selfie or a shark attack? Granted, millions more of us carry cellphones than surf or dive in the presence of sharks, but shark attacks do happen. In the past week, 21-year-old Torrance, Calif., resident Jordan Lindsey was on vacation snorkeling in the Bahamas with her family when three sharks fatally attacked her.
The Daily Mail reports an unusual numbers exercise pulled together by an International Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care showing that between October 2011 and November 2017, at least 259 people died taking selfies around the world. In the same time period just 50 people were killed by sharks.
The numbers show that while women take the most selfies, it's young men who suffer 75 percent of the selfie-related deaths.
India holds the record number of people dying via selfie, with 159 so far. Russia came in second place with 16 deaths, while the U.S. and Pakistan tied for third with 14 deaths each.
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