Recently, the website put out a list of all fifty states' unofficial comfort foods. They listed cedar planked salmon as the food that Washingtonians reach for when in need of a comfort food fix. Does that swim in Yakima?


Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love salmon. After all, salmon has been a food staple of native people in our area for centuries. But if I'm sick, tired, or depressed, my first thought is not to pull a salmon filet out of the freezer and scrounge up a cedar plank and head for the grill.

An article I read recently listed some possibilities for Seattle comfort foods and where you can get them. It listed clam chowder, fish and chips, pho, espresso, teriyaki, craft beers and more as foods that Seattle-ites might crave.

For me, comfort food begins at home. When I think of something that fits the bill in that category, it's the roast beef dinner. You know, roast beef, mashed potatoes and a beefy gravy and green beans with bacon and onions. Since I grew up on a farm that raised cattle, this was a staple at my house, and it still is today. I think it comes from a largely British Isles ancestry and the tradition of the Sunday Roast. (Well, it had to come from somewhere in my family.)

How about us Yakimanians? If I'm eating out, my comfort food turns to Asian cuisine especially some great stir fry. That's what does it for me. Some people might go with Italian or Mexican food, or the good old burger and fries.

Okay gang, Here's your assignment. Tell me what your favorite comfort foods are and where you find them. There are two categories, eating at home and eating out. Make sure you leave us a comment on our Facebook page




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