Road Work 40th and Chestnut Set for Monday
Yakima city crews are busy Monday with a crosswalk marking project that's expected to will impact traffic at the intersection of 40th Avenue and Chestnut Avenue for a few hours in the morning on Monday, April 19. A press release from the city says the work happens from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday, April 19. As a result of the work the northbound and southbound inside lanes of 40th Avenue at Chestnut Avenue will be closed. However the northbound and southbound outside lanes of 40th at Chestnut will remain open during the project. More work happens during the spring and summer months in the Yakima area than at any other time of year so be prepared by checking our website on a frequent basis. More roadwork will happen this summer along with work along North First Street. That area is the official entrance to the city and city crews along with a private company are working to improve the area streets, landscaping and lighting.
"Access will be maintained as much as possible to homes and businesses in the project area. Emergency vehicles will be allowed through the project area if necessary.
Because of heavy traffic volume, drivers can expect delays in the project area. Drivers should use alternate routes if possible until the work is completed.
Drivers are reminded that the speed limit through all traffic-related work zones within the City of Yakima is 20 miles-per-hour.
As always, the schedule for this type of project is subject to change daily dependent on weather, equipment failure, and emergencies."
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