Representative Saying Unionization Good for SC Economy
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Community leaders say it's time for Boeing employees to have union representation to protect their wages and well-being.
Rep. David Mack told several hundred people gathered at a rally Monday in North Charleston that unionizing workers at the plant in his district would be good for South Carolina's economy.
Mack says people will spend more money if they have more take-home wages in their pockets.
Nearly 3,000 South Carolina Boeing employees vote Wednesday on whether or not to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. Monday's rally took place about a mile from the Chicago-based company's facilities.
The global aviation company came to South Carolina in part because the state has a minuscule union presence and state politicians and business leaders have for decades preached that unions hurt the workforce, not help it.
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