Uncle Sam Has Your Cash If Your Program Is An ARPA Fit
Let's be honest, at first, ARPA sounds like it's probably something like dog food.
But no, it's an acronym for one of that government programs that look to make federal funds available to us regular folk....thanks, Uncle Sam.

Covid Rescue Plan Money Available
ARPA is the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), part of the federal stimulus bill to aid public health and economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. We are talking big bucks here.
State governments and the District of Columbia will receive $195.3 billion of the state portion of the recovery funds over two tranche disbursements. The plan included $350 billion in emergency funding for state, local, territorial and tribal governments, known as the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.
Yakima County is now accepting applications for 2022 ARPA Funds. Interested in applying...fill out the simple application form found here
There Is A Deadline
Tick Tock, time's a-wasting. Complete and submit the online form by June 24, in order for your organization to be considered not only for the first round of funding but also for future rounds through 2024. The County says they've kept the paperwork simple to encourage a wide range of applications for community projects and innovative ideas.
Shovel Ready And Within The Guidelines
A Yakima County press release says that depending on your agency’s mission and/or statutory obligations, projects could include infrastructure work such as extending sewer and water services, irrigation facilities – piping canals for water conservation, public health, or Human Services.
You may recall this term from the Obama Administration -- "Shovel Ready". Well, it's back! Due to the tight timeframes associated with these funds, it is important that prospective projects be as close to “shovel-ready” as possible because if you are fortunate enough to receive the funding it must be expended by the August 31, 2026 deadline.
If your agency/organization has a “shovel-ready” project that needs funding assistance and meets the Department of Treasury eligibility requirements, visit the Board of Yakima County Commissioner’s ARPA webpage HERE
More Opportunities To Come
County officials say their plans are to distribute a portion of the ARPA funds through an annual grant application process in 2022, 2023, and 2024. If an application isn't selected or isn't fully funded, applicants may re-apply in the next open grant application period.
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