More COVID-19 vaccine is arriving in Yakima County every week but still not enough to open a mass vaccine site at Yakima's State Fair Park. The site is ready but county officials say they just don't have the needed vaccine. When the vaccine is available, possibly at the middle or end of the month health officials hope to vaccinate up to 500 people a day. This week health officials say the county received 3,900 doses of vaccine which includes 2,900 first doses and 1,000 second doses. As more vaccine continues to be shipped to Yakima the county remains in Phase 1b of COVID-19 vaccination. If you are searching for vaccine health officials say make sure you are eligible by answering questions at If you qualify you'll want to find a location to schedule and appointment at the Yakima Health District website at .
Health district officials say they've received numerous calls from people who have been unable to find an appointment for a second dose of the vaccine. They say the vaccine supply is low and it may take some time to find a second dose appointment. They urge you not to give up and make regular visits to the health district website for updated information and places where you can get the vaccine.
Currently there are no mass vaccination sites opening in Yakima County this week or this weekend at State Fair Park. When enough vaccine is available they'll open the site and make a public announcement. An appointment system will be set up to vaccinate up to 500 people a day in Yakima County.

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