Let’s Roll tonight! Prayer and Praise For COVID-19 First Responders
Look up Google today (4/7/20) and you will find the colorful logo-word with a heart above the second letter "o" and the "e" at the end is dressed and a medical doctor with cap, old school headlamp, mask and scrubs. The idea is to show some love for our medical first responders. Great idea.
There's a fellow in Yakima by the name of Brett Granlund who is organizing a plan to do just that. Brett is a Christian and he thinks it's time to engage God, and for Yakima to show up in numbers to praise and pray for our first responders.
Similar events are already happening all over the country. Facebook shows hospital parking lots filling up with vehicles, the flashing light come on as a kind of visual applause and in many cases a prayer of praise and preservation is shared over a loud speaker. That's what Brett has in mind.
The plan is to gather at the Fred Meyer parking lot at 5:30 tonight, head out to area nursing home first and then gather at the east parking lot of Yakima's Virginia Mason Memorial Hospital at 7:25.
Brett appeared on the Morning News to invite us all to join in.