Felon After The Fact – Thanks For Nothing New Jersey
What's going on New jersey? Your Quality of life was listed at #49 out of 50 states earlier this year. Now you want eat away at the 2nd amendment and limit people's ability to defend themselves?
Here's how the Patriot Post put it. " As of Tuesday, the Constitution was suspended in the state of New Jersey. Last June, one of six new gun-control laws signed by Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy banned the possession of any magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition.... state residents have 180 days to give them up, permanently modify them to hold 10 rounds or less, or transfer them to someone legally allowed to own them." (active-duty military, law enforcement officers, retired police officers)
"New Jerseyans who fail to comply can be charged with a fourth-degree felony, subjected to a prison sentence of up to 18 months, up to a $10,000 fine, or both."
But wait there's more. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the law with a 2 - 1 decision with a couple of Obama Federal appointees determining "the law did not violate the Second Amendment because it reasonably advanced New Jersey’s interest in preventing mass shootings and does not “severely burden” the Second Amendment rights of the state’s law-abiding citizens."
Newsflash for the judges and Jersey - . The Second Amendment is an equal part of the Bill of Rights like all other enumerated rights which by definition takes it out of the hands of government and court under the concept that "a constitutional guarantee -subject to future judges’ assessments of its usefulness- is no constitutional guarantee at all.”
The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs has promised to appeal the decision that turns “one million honest citizens into felons for keeping property obtained legally (10+ round magazines) that could be used for defending their lives,” stated the group’s executive director Scott Bach.
The Patriot Post article concludes, "If gun-control laws were the answer, Chicago would be the safest city in the nation. A total of 528 homicides so far this year suggests otherwise. So does the reality that cities with the highest homicide rates in the nation are overwhelmingly Democrat Party strongholds.
Nibble by nibble, bit by bit those who would erode the 2nd Amendment never rest. Responsible gun owners must remain ever vigilant and they need to be viewed as patriots and not made into potential felons.
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