Ah the weekend. Time to relax, to spend time with the family, time to…HEY, Junior! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING? STOP THAT THIS INSTANCE!  Now I don’t even begin to imagine what your kids do as compared to mine, but I do know they all test our patience and the boundaries of common sense from time to time.  They all need to be reeled in on occasion, so what should we do as parents?  The default position for most of us is to YELL, right?  It’s where we go but research shows we should search for alternatives to the “angry dad” model!

Researchers from Brigham Young University looked at how 500 children reacted when shouted at by their mothers versus being shouted at by their fathers. They discovered that when fathers yelled –particularly at their teenaged kids-- it resulted in more aggressive and delinquent behavior down the line.  Interestingly, the same thing did not occur when teens were yelled at by their mothers.

Researchers say this happens because when fathers shout it is louder and more forceful, which may produce more anger in the teen.

The take away for Dad’s –just in time for Father’s Day -- is that it's important to be kind and gentle with older children-- even gentler sometimes than mom because hostility from dad tends to produce negative outcomes. (Daily Mail)


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