Dutch Veal Targeted; Regulation Rollbacks
U.S. veal producers are suffering because of what industry representatives say is a flood of Dutch imports priced below domestic cuts.
The American Veal Association continues to contest the USDA’s decision last year to allow Dutch products back into the U.S. market, but now the group is hoping new tariffs will stem the flow of products from the Netherlands.
AVA President Dale Bakke says the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative is compiling a list of European goods that could be hit with tariffs in retaliation for the EU ban on U.S. beef, which includes veal.
They’ve hit the ground running, says Ethan Lane, Executive Director of the Public Lands Council & NCBA Federal Lands.
The 115th Congress is underway and the new administration isn’t resting on its laurels, so now is the time to dig in and get the work done.
The first priority is to roll back burdensome regulations facing cattle producers, especially with regard to federal lands in the west.
The U.S. House just passed a resolution that would repeal the Bureau of Land Management’s Planning 2.0 Rule, something that will likely be voted on in the Senate this week.
Repeal of this rule would be a major victory for cattle producers.
A grazing expert says hay production costs have made grazing the best option for feeding most livestock.
American Grazing Lands Service’s Jim Garrish says the cost of a baler has gone up 10-fold over the past 40 years while beef and milk has risen only about 3 times.
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