
I went to the dog show at the fairgrounds last weekend and had a lot of fun. My wife Sara fell in love with the Cavalier King Charles. There were some amazing dogs with interesting and eccentric owners. Dog show people and horse show people are, well, unique. Information gathered from the American Kennel Club and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reveals “you are who you walk”. 

In other words, chances are you identify most with the dogs who have similar personality traits, quirks, and physical activity levels that you do. They reached their conclusions based on scientific studies of breed behavior, and the buying habits of pet owners. So check out this short list and see if you agree that you are who you walk.

  • English Bull Dog - You are a cut up
  • Dalmatian - You are a hard worker
  • Poodle - You tend to be detail-oriented and appreciate art and culture
  • Golden Retriever - You are very social, and like to be around people
  • Chihuahua - You are a mischief maker
  • Pit Bull - You are eager to please
  • Cocker Spaniel - You are family oriented and nurturing
  • Beagle - These owners are inquisitive and willing to learn new things
  • Border Collie - You love the great outdoors
  • Shitzhu - You would rather be home reading a book

My all time favorite dog is my Norwegian Elkhound Thor. I wonder what that says about me?

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