It's time to find Yakima's Community Christmas Tree. Yakima City officials say the search is now underway.
So look outside or talk to someone you know who may want to donate a tree.
A press release says "the city of Yakima and the Downtown Association of Yakima are asking area residents to consider donating a tree from their property for the annual holiday festivities in Downtown Yakima."

All you have to do is call the city and tell them about your tree

You can nominate your tree as the Community Christmas Tree you are asked to call Cally Price, the Assistant to the City Manager, at 509-575-6040.
If your tree is chosen as the Community Christmas Tree city crews will remove the tree during the week of November 14 to 18. The tree will then be moved  to Millennium Plaza for installation. The Downtown Association of Yakima is working with the City of Yakima to coordinate the tree removal/installation.

A tree lighting ceremony is planned for next month

Once the tree is in place The Downtown Association of Yakima plans a tree-lighting ceremony for Sunday, December 4.“It needs be an evergreen, preferably 15 to 25 feet tall,” says Justin Ross, Operations Manager for DAY. “It has to be in a location that we can access with a crane and get a truck to it.”
If property owners nominating a tree are unsure about its dimension or about access to it they can call Ross at 509-571-1328.
The selected tree will be removed at no cost to the owner.

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