This is hard for me to write (or aggregate as the case may be) because I do enjoy eating meat.  According to the Department of Agriculture, U.S. citizens ate a record 222.2 pounds of meat and poultry last year due in part to the popularity of high-protein and low-carb diets like keto.

However, a report in  Marketwatch  might ruin your appetite for lunch. If you love meat but have switched from beef to white meat to cut cholesterol, you may be wasting your time and taste buds.  A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says white meat like chicken & turkey could raise your cholesterol just as much as eating red meat.

Plant proteins were found to be the healthiest of all for blood cholesterol, and the study concluded that the results support growing recommendations to adopt plant-based diets with high vegetable content as good for health and better for the environment.


But for committed carnivores, the experts say for red meat, it’s got to be the leanest cuts with no visual fat, or the leanest ground beef they can get, which is then served in moderate portion sizes.(A portion size of protein is generally the size of a deck of cards.) In terms of poultry, it’s a boneless, skinless chicken breast or thigh.​


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