Black, Female And Newly Armed….Whatever It Takes, Protect Yourself
I want to share an opinion piece from the Washington Post. It's written by a woman by the name of Danielle King who is identified as a health policy fellow for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and a doctoral candidate at Northeastern University in Boston.
According to the article she is a new gun owner.
(Welcome to the club of responsible gun owners of America.)
However she is an uneasy gun owner and would rather not be one. She has had some life experiences that have more or less forced her hand to make that decision but those circumstances have also forced her to realize a simple fact that we were blogging about the other day as Texas was about to become a permitless (constitutional carry) gun carry state. What she reluctantly has come to terms with is that - WE ARE OUR OWN FIRST RESPONDERS
Her story starts like this, "I never thought I’d own a gun. But there I was, in Hazard, Ky., in the middle of a pandemic on a Saturday, buying a .38 snub-nosed revolver."
But it was fear for her safety that pushed her decision to become a gun owner. She and he husband were the victims of a home break in. She recalls the night, "The intruder slammed against the door like a battering ram in an attempt to take it down. He nearly succeeded, shattering the frame, but my husband held the rest of the door shut while I hid on the balcony and called the police. It took officers more than 45 minutes to arrive, leaving the intruder plenty of time to wander around, collecting our belongings."
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