My beautiful, bubbly Katelyn (gator) turns 6 on Sunday.  It’s may be the first day of winter but it’s ALL about her birthday! The days start getting a little longer on the 21st but the days certainly have all been full year round since she was born.  I like to joke that she’s keeping me young and while there may be some truth to that there is a darker side to birthdays that’s just weird enough to want to share.

A new study finds that the odds of dying on your birthday are actually higher than on other days. (Sorry gator, we’ll do our best to keep that from happening!)

Scientists looked at the death records of more than 25 million people who died over a 14 year period. They found that more than  73,000 people died on their birthday, nearly seven percent more than would be expected. Study leaders say the phenomenon could be caused by people deviating from their usual behavior, including partying in excess or traveling, but that some deaths are suicides triggered by the "birthday blues."  (Daily Mail)

No blues around my house this weekend…I just hope Gymnastics Plus can contain all


the excitement!



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