As The Wall Fight Continues, Hispanic Support Grows for Trump
One aspect of the current overwhelming immigration problem at the border is the legal leftovers from the overwhelming immigration problem of the recent past.
An online article in The Hill about President Trump's latest offer to House Democrats to get the government back to full operation in exchange for $5.7 billion for increased border security reminds us all of what happens once an illegal alien gets ushered into our legal system: not much!
In addition to the physical barriers, Trump wants hundreds of millions for humanitarian assistance, drug detection technology, more agents and law enforcers and 75 more immigration judges.
It's the judges that caught my eye. The additional number of judges may fall well below the number needed but it would be a much a good start when you consider that as of last year, the immigration courts had a backlog of 809,041 cases and that doesn't even include another 330,211 not yet on the books.
So while the left and right fight over Trump, the wall, funding and all things immigration, what do Hispanics think about the president's push for funding?
This may surprise you. According to an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, approval of Trump by Hispanics bounced up 19 percent in just a month -- to 50 percent!
Somebody gets it. There is a cost to open borders.
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