Ag News: APHIS ASF Efforts and Agribusiness Trade Mission to U.K.
**Republican Leaders from the House Ag and Budget Committees last week announced H.R. 8069, the Reducing Farm Input Costs and Barriers to Production Act.
This legislation would protect and promote American agriculture by reversing the Biden Administration’s regulatory barriers to domestic agriculture production, providing immediate relief to producers and farm families.
The bill provides relief from EPA’s unprecedented actions related to crop protection tools, offers clarity related to WOTUS regulations, and other provisions.
**USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service announced new efforts to prevent the introduction and spread of African swine fever in the U.S.
Through a campaign called Protect Our Pigs, APHIS will support pork producers, veterinarians, and pig owners with information and resources to help safeguard the swine population.
APHIS Associate Administrator, Dr. Jack Shere says, “USDA is
working every day to stop this disease from breaching our borders and the Protect Our Pigs campaign will help.
**Representatives from 37 U.S. ag and farm organizations will join USDA Deputy Secretary Dr. Jewel Bronaugh for an agribusiness trade mission to London starting tomorrow.
They will engage directly with foreign buyers, receive in-depth market briefs from the Foreign Agricultural Service and industry trade experts, and participate in site visits.
U.S. ag exports to the U.K. totaled $1.9 billion in 2021.