Ag News: Farmers Tune Into Radio and Japan Up Tariff on U.S. Beef
**A recent survey indicates most farmers are tuning into a trusted source to stay informed and gather information, the radio.
According to, the just released survey by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting shows that 71% of farmers listen to farm radio, at a rate of 4.7 days per week, on average.
The NAFB research shows 82% of that radio listening happens while driving a pickup and 64% while operating farm equipment.
**Japan will increase tariffs on U.S. beef temporarily in an effort to slow import volumes. reports, currently set at 25.8%, the tariff rose to 38.5% last Thursday, and will be in effect until April 16th, according to USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service.
As part of a 2019 trade pact with the U.S., Japan is allowed to raise tariffs if beef imports reach 242,000 metric tons for the fiscal year, which is has done.
**Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack stressed the need for structural changes to U.S. food distribution systems in order to tackle hunger, strengthen equity, and increase access to school meals, at the National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference. reports, Vilsack drew attention to the TWIN CRISES of food insecurity and “nutrition insecurity,” citing striking levels of childhood and adult obesity, along with the 40% of Americans suffering from more than two chronic illnesses, many stemming from poor diets.