We all wake up groggy from time to time, but snapping out of it is easier for those who love their coffee. However, for those of us who don't drink coffee, the wake-up remedy may be as close as your cellphone

A Swedish study suggests that looking at your smartphone can help jolt you awake and they aren't talking about that questionable picture you sent last night.

People exposed to an hour of blue light -- a form of light emitted from phones and tablets, performed faster on a visual test of reaction times than those given 240 milligrams of caffeine (the equivalent of two to three cups of coffee).

iPad 1, Starbucks 0!

So how does it work? Researchers say exposing your retinas to blue light seems to rouse brain regions that affect alertness and cognitive function. Looking at the screen of your phone or tablet in the morning may have a similar but less intense effect.

Can you imagine blue light AND caffeine?  Well then you have my partner Lance Tormey!


Paula Bronstein/Getty Images


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