In 1959, the Washington State Legislature designated Rhododendron macrophyllum, a native species, as the official flower of the state of Washington.
The  Rhododendron, or "Rhodies" as they are called, are a genus of 1,024 species of plants.
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That's one big family and some of them do right well as houseplants!  And this is a story about the new significance of a house plant adding to your love life!

Park Yourself Next To A Plant

Have you seen those ads on TV for dating apps for more mature 50+?.
"It's so difficult to know where to start after all these years...etc."  Here's to hoping that most of us won't find ourselves starting over but it happens. Long-term couples do break up, spouses pass on, so the circumstance is common enough to generate a senior dating industry,
So here's a question for you - How do you best present your best self on an app?  A new outfit, an interesting location, cool friends...OR...a houseplant?
Word on the net is that owning a plant could make you appear more attractive on dating apps. In October 2021, a home improvement agency surveyed more than 11-hundred house plant owners in the US, and 35 percent said other people’s house plant ownership was a serious turn-on.

Why Yes, I AM A Plant Person

We'll pause here for a moment so you can process that.  To each their leafy green own, right?  According to Elite Daily, Tinder researchers found mentions of the terms “plant mom” and “plant dad” were up 15 and 30 percent, respectively, from this time last year, and both terms currently have more mentions in client biographies than at any point in 2020.

It's My Nature To Nurture

So why has the interest in plants made people more interesting in the past few years?
I guess you could say it's a "Covid-kinda-thing"  More than ever, people want to know that a date and a potential partner has the capacity to care for something other than themselves!
Experts say:

owning and tending to house plants ... can be an indicator of how you behave in relationships.Seattle-based relationship, intimacy, and sex therapist Claudia Johnson says that, while plenty of non-plant-keepers have these qualities, plant ownership may subconsciously cue to potential partners that you have a certain maturity or put-togetherness, you’re open and vulnerable, you have integrity, you have respect for living creatures, and you’re nurturing...If you're a plant parent, it says you can care for something and you can take a risk on something're spending your time caring for something that is outside of yourself.”

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